800 509 666 Segunda-feira - Sexta-feira 08:30 - 17:00 Entrega gratuita e assegurada

Preços dos metais
Preço do ouro 2.691,56 € 2.258,74 £ 2.912,87 $
Preço da Prata 30,11 € 25,23 £ 32,58 $


PAMP Suisse, also known as Produits Artistiques Métaux Précieux, are one of the two biggest precious metal specialists in Switzerland. PAMP produces gold, silver and platinum bullion, as well as aiding the Swiss watch industry.

The two main brands of PAMP bars are the Lady Fortuna design and the Rosa, but the company also produces an annual Chinese Lunar series to rival products from the Royal Mint and the Perth Mint.

Organizar por:

Barra de Ouro de 20g PAMP

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